
I'm getting a *java.lang.NullPointerException* when opening a .json file
in NetBeans. Note the file opens correctly just this Silent Error is thrown.

The error is:
Cannot invoke "org.openide.filesystems.FileObject.getMIMEType()" because
"this.internalFo" is null

I believe it is because there are no Code Templates for JSON and the Code
Templates window is open. Although not tested, I believe the same error
will be thrown if other Code Templates sections don't have any code
templates defined.

To recreate:

   1. Open the Code Templates window (*Window>Code Templates*)
   2. Create a JSON file with some dummy JSON data and give the file the
   extension: .json
   3. In *Tools>Options>Editor>Code Templates>JSON* make sure there are no
   4. Open the file in NetBeans.
   5. Silent Error (*Unexpected Exception*) is thrown

This error can be eliminated by adding a JSON Code Template to the Code
Templates (JSON) section.

This bug has been reported.

Best regards,

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