when i do a Deploy? It makes my jar. I have to Launch manually on the server (in theory), and then headless, or run in gui.

Its a WIP.

On 13/03/2023 11:03 a.m., Greenberg, Gary wrote:

Last year I have developed a Spring-Boot web application.
It was originally developed as a JAR but later converted to a WAR and deployed to the Tomcat 9 on a production server.

Last week, a bug was found and I need to fix it.

Not to change the configuration, I have installed Tomcat 9 on my Windows laptop and was trying to debug the application on it.

When I click on “Debug” in my Netbeans 16, it builds the war but than trying to stop Tomcat for a while and then fails to do it.

I did stop Tomcat manually and tried to do it again, but than Netbeans failed to start Tomcat.

Looks like there are some permission issues. Can someone tells me how to fix it. I remember, long ago, with Netbeans 8.2 and Tomcat6 I haven’t had a problems deploying apps without start/stop.

*Gary Greenberg*

Staff Software Engineer

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