As AI is booming with Python as the leading Programming Language it is very sad that Netbeans is not offering support for it.

I started this project with the aim to bring the support to Python in Netbeans focusing mainly on features available on Pycharm/Spyder IDE and VScode (Package management/Environment management etc...)

I am now releasing the first version which will stay in beta till the end of this month.

See much details on available features here: https://github.com/albilu/netbeansPython

NBMs available here: https://github.com/albilu/netbeansPython/releases

Please try it and share your feedback.

   Main Features

     Project Management

 * Simple Python projects type creation (with |venv/virtualenv|)
 * Import projects from Sources
 * Simple Poetry <https://python-poetry.org/> porjects creation (common
   |poetry| commands supported)
 * Run/Build projects


     LSP Server Features

 * See list of features supported


LSP Configurations <https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server#configuration> available in Netbeans via:
|Tools -> Python Platforms -> Lsp Server|


     Python Interpreters Management

 * Multiple Python Interpreters Management including venv
   <https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html#venv-def> and |virtualenv|


     Packages Management

 * Manage Python Packages (Install/Delete) via Pypi <https://pypi.org/>
   or personal Repositories


     Python REPL

 * IPython <https://github.com/ipython/ipython> and PTPython
   <https://github.com/prompt-toolkit/ptpython> integrated as
   Interactive Shells (with autocompletion)
   |Windows -> Interactive Python Interpreters -> IPython|


     Unittest/Test Coverage

 * Unittest <https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html>/code
   coverage <https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/7.2.2/#> suportted
 * Create/Generate unit tests
 * Go to test/tested class


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