Greetings all,

I'm thinking about starting a small (that's the idea anyway) antlr project; I've never used antlr before. At first I didn't see any antlr with the plugin manager, then noticed that there's a buitin /ANTLR Grammar Editor Support/. I see some 8.2 stuff online, and I'm guessing that's not relevant with NB-18.

I'm looking around wondering what to expect. At there's mention that NetBeans has a "sophisticated editor for ANTLR v3/v4 grammars". It looks like there are a variety of development tools and compared to other IDEs it looks like NetBeans only has the editor. It could be that the info in not presented very well.

Is there any info on what the ANTLR workflow with NetBeans looks like? Are the "missing" tools" simply not integrated and can be used from the command line? Or is it something more?


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