From my experience, minimize your direct Maven dependencies. Try to use services as much as possible. For example. eclipselink should be a runtime, not a compile time dependency and should be injected as service:

    requires jakarta.persistence;
    uses jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider;



Basically, strip the dependencies back to nothing and only add the ones that stop the compilation from failing or the code from running, one mod at a time.

Some of your dependencies may fail to load because they are not fully modular yet. Your options then are:

a) make your application non-modular, for now. This still works for most things apart from Java FX. Doing non-modular FX is like urinating into a stiff breeze.

b) use moditect to patch the non-modular dependencies, until modular ones are available. It's a hack, but it works surprisingly well.

On 11/11/2023 15:42, Bradley Willcott wrote:
Hi John.
Check out this site:
It should give you what you need to know.


On 11/11/23 06:20, John Manko wrote:
This might not be a purely Netbeans issue, but maybe NB has some tooling to assist, or someone can answer a quick question.

I'm in the middle of converting Java 8 project to Java 17/21 (A little late in the game, I know!  I'm beholden to other forces beyond my control.), and I have a library module with a module-info like such:

module {
  requires eclipselink;
  requires jakarta.jakartaee.api;
  requires java.logging;
  requires java.sql;
  requires jersey.client;
  requires org.apache.pdfbox;
  requires org.apache.fontbox;

I get the following error message in Netbeans:

module reads package jakarta.faces.context from both jakarta.faces.api and jakarta.jakartaee.web.api

What am I'm doing wrong here?   Is there any tooling in NB to help create the module-info based on declared maven dependencies?

Below is are pom.xml deps (test deps removed):


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