
Please allow me to apologise for hijacking this list: I assume there
are a lots of Java interested people gathered here.

We wrapped the SSE/AVX optimised PNG encoders into a Java library. The
results look promising: 27x faster than ImageIO and still 11x faster
than Java PNG Encoder, at very competitive compression rates. Please
see details here:

Although I would like to ask for some help: The GitHub Runner for x64
MacOS is segfaulting occasionally and I have no idea why. Everything
works great on x64 Linux and x64 Windows.
If someone with MacOS experience and hardware would like to lend me a
helping hand investigating this, I would be eternally grateful.
Beverages would be on me of course.

Also I wonder, how to build for arm64 MacOS, since there is no GitHub
Runner for this. Sure, I could cross compile -- but how to test after?

Any feedback and suggestion and question would be most welcome and
Thank you for your time and patience, cheers!


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