
In the NetBeans IDE, if I go to the "Files" tab and examine a jar file that has 
some Javadoc, and right-click an html file in the jar file, there will be a 
"View" action in the context menu that pops up.  This opens the html file in 
the external (system default) browser.

It seems that this "View" action might be starting a webserver and serving the 
html pages through that webserver, because the URL in the external browser tab 
is of the form:

I want to do this in my platform application.  I've browsed around in the 
NetBeans source code, but I haven't been able to find this View action.  I've 
found something called URLUtil that is part of org.netbeans.modules.extbrowser, 
and it has a createExternalURL method.  It seems that the View action might be 
using this.  I experimented with this class, but couldn't get it produce a URL 
similar to the one above.

Does anyone know where the code for that this right-click View action might be, 
so I could take a look at it?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

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