
I need to bring online a mothballed NB 8/Java 8 java application Ant-based 
project that accesses a 3rd party webservice.  I am presently on NB 15 IDE and 
Java 17 (those can't change right now).

An option is to just run against Java 8, which works fine, but our other tools 
use Java 17, so I don't really want to have to deal with another Java runtime.

Another option, as the project is Ant, is to add all the necessary Jakarta jars 
to the project for Jakarta support.  That does work too, but with one issue.  
Whenever I clean and build, the import statements in the Generated Sources 
automatically created by the wsimport task all reference the javax.jws 
namespace, instead of the jakarta.jws namespace.  I can change those import 
statements manually and then build, but my corrections are wiped out by any 
subsequent clean action, which automatically recreates the Generated Sources.

In looking at the verbose output, it appears that NB IDE is using the wsimport 
bundled with the IDE, and it seems as though I need to tell the IDE to use the 
wsimport in the Jakarta package jars, or change some other setting in the IDE 
get the correct import statements in the Generated Sources, but I don't know 
how to do that.

Any suggestions?

Thank You!

Joe Huber
Standard Refrigeration LLC

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