Hi Blaine,

Just some hunches:

* a big project may slow anything down that wants to scan the overall
* You might want to give netbeans more memory to work with.  e.g  -Xmx6g
added to the command line or in the settings file netbeans.conf
* splitting the project up into smaller pieces smaller projects) and
opening only those that you need to edit may also help. In such setup you
only build
 the open projects and re-use the results of other builds. A typical
project of this size will have several phases|layers|components that could
be neatly packed into
 separate artefacts (e.g. when using maven).

Kind regards, Met vriendelijke groet,
Pieter van den Hombergh.
Kerboschstraat 12
5913 WH Venlo

On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 4:52 PM Blaine Heinfeld <bwheinf...@gmail.com>

> Forgot to mention:  The host computer is Windows 10 Home.
> On 2/13/2024 10:34 AM, Blaine Heinfeld wrote:
> I am trying to understand and resolve a severe performance issue with
> NetBeans 19 running on Azul Java 11.0.13; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
> 11.0.13+8-LTS.
> My project consists of about 260 classes and has probably around 75,000
> lines of total text, including some extensive HTML documentation files.
> The project is still growing. and will probably get 15-20% larger.
> Simply opening the project and letting it complete all of the startup
> scans takes about 20 minutes on an otherwise idle computer.  When opening a
> 100 line class file, the Navigator pane displaying method names just took
> about 4 minutes to populate.
> Double clicking on a method name in the Navigator pane gives me a "Lengthy
> operation in progress" "Calculating declaration position" message that
> stays on the screen for about a minute.
> Even clicking on a menu can result in delays and a wait cursor for a
> period of time.  Everything in NetBeans seems very slow.
> During all this, the computer hosting NetBeans shows no CPU, memory, or
> network constraints.  The project files are on a NAS which also shows no
> performance issues.
> And I'm not experiencing performance issues with other applications on the
> same computer using the same NAS.  The issue really seems restricted to
> NetBeans.
> When I started this project I didn't have these issues.  But it does
> appear they have gotten worse over time and as the project gets bigger.
> Any ideas about what might be happening and how to fix it?  My first guess
> would be that NetBeans is memory constrained in some way, but that would
> need to be some NetBeans setting.  The computer shows over 8GB of free
> memory with NetBeans using under 600MB.
> Blaine

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