Hi there!

In my Debian 12, I use Netbeans 21 (funny revers versions, ja, ja, ja) as my IDE.

I'd like to use MS-Edge as the output browser for javadoc, for that I have added it to Tools > Options > General > Web Browser.

/Edge is not an option in the pull-down menu,so, I added it like this Web Browser > Name : Edge | Process: /opt/microsoft/msedge/microsoft-edge | Argument : -remote "openURL({URL})" | Argument Hint : {URL} = URL of the page to be loaded by the web browser


However, when Edge opens the url for the javadoc, it opens it with the following url address signature:


Thus, the page is not open saying "Hmmm… can't reach this page".

What did I do wrong? What can I do to get Edge to open the javadoc properly?

Thanks in advance.

*/ArbolOne.ca/* Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird. ArbolOne is composed of students and volunteers dedicated to providing free services to charitable organizations. ArbolOne on Java Development is in progress [ í ]

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