sorry - i see now :-)

Thanks for the analysis.  Will dig in.


On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 12:28 AM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
> Adam,
> Are you on a recent master build?
> Thanks
> Joe
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 12:27 AM, Adam Lamar <> wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> I'm following up from my previous thread about high CPU usage in GetSQS. I
>> ran into high CPU usage while developing a patch for that processor, and
>> while investigating with "top", I noticed one NiFi thread in particular
>> showed high CPU usage, even after turning off all processors and restarting
>> NiFi.
>> A jstack showed this thread was busy at line 1287
>> [1]. Since that is a continue statement, it suggests that the thread was
>> churning in the surrounding for loop.
>> I didn't debug any further, but I did add a sleep statement just before the
>> continue, and CPU usage dropped wildly, settling around 2-4%.
>> I hope this is useful information, and I'm happy to debug further if needed.
>> Cheers,
>> Adam
>> [1]

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