Hi Joe,

Condider a scenerio, where we need to feed some older files and we are
using "mv" to feed files to input directory( to reduce IO we may use "mv").
If we use "mv", last modified date will not changed. And this is very
common on a busy file collection system.

However, I think I can still manage it by adding additional "touch" before
moving fole in the target directory.

So, my suggestion is to add file selection criteria as an configurable
option in listfile process on workflow. Options could be last modified
date(as current one) unique file names, checksum etc.

Thanks again man.

On Monday, January 4, 2016, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Obaid,
> The default behavior of the ListFile processor is to keep track of the
> last modified time of the files it lists.  When you changed the name
> of the file that doesn't change the last modified time as tracked by
> the OS but when you altered content it does.  Simply 'touch' on the
> file would do it too.
> I believe we could observe the last modified time of the directory in
> which the file lives to detect something like a rename.  However, we'd
> not know which file was renamed just that something was changed.  So
> it require keeping some potentially problematic state to deconflict or
> requiring the user to have a duplicate detection process afterwards.
> So with that in mind is the current behavior sufficient for your case?
> Thanks
> Joe
> On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 6:17 AM, obaidul karim <obaidc...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Hi Joe,
> >
> > I am now exploring your solution.
> > Starting with below flow:
> >
> > ListFIle > FetchFile > CompressContent > PutFile.
> >
> > Seems all fine. Except some confusion with how ListFile identifies new
> > files.
> > In order to test, I renamed a already processed file and put in in input
> > folder and found that the file is not processing.
> > Then I randomly changed the content of the file and it was immediately
> > processed.
> >
> > My question is what is the new file selection criteria for "ListFile" ?
> Can
> > I change it only to file name ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > -Obaid
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 10:43 PM, Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello Obaid,
> >>
> >> At 6 TB/day and average size of 2-3GB per dataset you're looking at a
> >> sustained rate of 70+MB/s and a pretty low transaction rate.  So well
> >> within a good range to work with on a single system.
> >>
> >> 'I's there any way to by pass writing flow files on disk or directly
> >> pass those files to HDFS as it is ?"
> >>
> >>   There is no way to bypass NiFi taking a copy of that data by design.
> >> NiFi is helping you formulate a graph of dataflow requirements from a
> >> given source(s) through given processing steps and ultimate driving
> >> data into given destination systems.  As a result it takes on the
> >> challenge of handling transactionality of each interaction and the
> >> buffering and backpressure to deal with the realities of different
> >> production/consumption patterns.
> >>
> >> "If the files on the spool directory are compressed(zip/gzip), can we
> >> store files on HDFS as uncompressed ?"
> >>
> >>   Certainly.  Both of those formats (zip/gzip) are supported in NiFi
> >> out of the box.  You simply run the data through the proper process
> >> prior to the PutHDFS process to unpack (zip) or decompress (gzip) as
> >> needed.
> >>
> >> "2.a Can we use our existing java code for masking ? if yes then how ?
> >> 2.b For this Scenario we also want to bypass storing flow files on
> >> disk. Can we do it on the fly, masking and storing on HDFS ?
> >> 2.c If the source files are compressed (zip/gzip), is there any issue
> >> for masking here ?"
> >>
> >>   You would build a custom NiFi processor that leverages your existing
> >> code.  If your code is able to operate on an InputStream and writes to
> >> an OutputStream then it is very likely you'll be able to handle
> >> arbitrarily large objects with zero negative impact to the JVM Heap as
> >> well.  This is thanks to the fact that the data is present in NiFi's
> >> repository with copy-on-write/pass-by-reference semantics and that the
> >> API is exposing those streams to your code in a transactional manner.
> >>
> >>   If you want the process of writing to HDFS to also do decompression
> >> and masking in one pass you'll need to extend/alter the PutHDFS
> >> process to do that.  It is probably best to implement the flow using
> >> cohesive processors (grab files, decompress files, mask files, write
> >> to hdfs).  Given how the repository construct in NiFi works and given
> >> how caching in Linux works it is very possible you'll be quite
> >> surprised by the throughput you'll see.  Even then you can optimize
> >> once you're sure you need to.  The other thing to keep in mind here is
> >> that often a flow that starts out as specific as this turns into a
> >> great place to tap the stream of data to feed some new system or new
> >> algorithm with a different format or protocol.  At that moment the
> >> benefits become even more obvious.
> >>
> >> Regarding the Flume processes in NiFi and their memory usage.  NiFi
> >> offers a nice hosting mechanism for the Flume processes and brings
> >> some of the benefits of NiFi's UI, provenance, repository concept.
> >> However, we're still largely limited to the design assumptions one
> >> gets when building a Flume process and that can be quite memory
> >> limiting.  We see what we have today as a great way to help people
> >> transition their existing Flume flows into NiFi by leveraging their
> >> existing code but would recommend working to phase the use of those
> >> out in time so that you can take full benefit of what NiFi brings over
> >> Flume.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Joe
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 4:18 AM, obaidul karim <obaidc...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > I am new in Nifi and exploring it as open source ETL tool.
> >> >
> >> > As per my understanding, flow files are stored on local disk and it
> >> > contains
> >> > actual data.
> >> > If above is true, lets consider a below scenario:
> >> >
> >> > Scenario 1:
> >> > - In a spool directory we have terabytes(5-6TB/day) of files coming
> from
> >> > external sources
> >> > - I want to push those files to HDFS as it is without any changes
> >> >
> >> > Scenario 2:
> >> > - In a spool directory we have terabytes(5-6TB/day) of files coming
> from
> >> > external sources
> >> > - I want to mask some of the sensitive columns
> >> > - Then send one copy to HDFS and another copy to Kafka
> >> >
> >> > Question for Scenario 1:
> >> > 1.a In that case those 5-6TB data will be again written on local disk
> as
> >> > flow files and will cause double I/O. Which eventually may cause
> slower
> >> > performance due to I/O bottleneck.
> >> > Is there any way to by pass writing flow files on disk or directly
> pass
> >> > those files to HDFS as it is ?
> >> > 1.b If the files on the spool directory are compressed(zip/gzip), can
> we
> >> > store files on HDFS as uncompressed ?
> >> >
> >> > Question for Scenario 2:
> >> > 2.a Can we use our existing java code for masking ? if yes then how ?
> >> > 2.b For this Scenario we also want to bypass storing flow files on
> disk.
> >> > Can
> >> > we do it on the fly, masking and storing on HDFS ?
> >> > 2.c If the source files are compressed (zip/gzip), is there any issue
> >> > for
> >> > masking here ?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > In fact, I tried above using flume+flume interceptors. Everything
> >> > working
> >> > fine with smaller files. But when source files greater that 50MB flume
> >> > chocks :(.
> >> > So, I am exploring options in NiFi. Hope I will get some guideline
> from
> >> > you
> >> > guys.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Thanks in advance.
> >> > -Obaid
> >
> >

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