
Thanks for your suggestions. I will do some experiments....



On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Mark Payne <> wrote:

> Frank,
> The approach that you laid out here would certainly work. However, I feel
> that it may be a bit heavy-handed. If the idea is
> just to reload some information from a local file, then I would recommend
> that you take a look at the ScanContent / ScanAttribute
> Processors. They do something similar. They are configured with a file
> that is the Dictionary of Terms to route on. Then, they
> periodically check if the file has been updated. If so, they will reload
> the information, otherwise they will just keep what they
> already have loaded.
> They make use of SynchronousFileWatcher class that exists in the
> nifi-utils module, which helps to make this simpler.
> Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions, or if this
> doesn't seem like the right fit for you.
> Thanks
> -Mark
> On Jan 21, 2016, at 11:08 PM, Frank Martínez <> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Thanks for your response.
> So the way is to get the instruction set from external source in onTrigger
> method each time? Or is there any way to push immediate commands or
> messages to the Procesor?
> Maybe I can create a custom ControllerService that provides and caches the
> current instruction set, then I can create a Custom processor that updates
> the cache of the ControllerService, then use GetFile to poll a directory
> where I can put files (commands) to be executed.
>                               get current config
>                             +--------------------> [config source endpoint]
>    |
>         +-------> ConfigLoaderProcessor
>         |                        |
>   GetFileProcessor               | update config cache
>         |                        \/
>     Directory            ConfigControllerService
>         |                           ^
>     CommandFile                     |
>                                     .
>                                     . get current config
>                                     |
>                       .......> RouterProcessor .....>
> What do you think?
> Thanks
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 10:38 PM, Joe Witt <> wrote:
>> Frank,
>> Absolutely.  Have seen several of these of various types of the years.
>> It usually works best if the processor itself calls out/polls some
>> endpoint to get the latest instruction set.  This approach tends to
>> scale better, means clustered systems work smoothly as well, and it is
>> nice from a reliability perspective.  You can still choose to push new
>> configuration information to the processor but keep in mind you cannot
>> change its properties while it is running.
>> Feel free to fire more questions as you dig deeper into it.
>> Thanks
>> Joe
>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 10:33 PM, Frank Martínez <>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Guys,
>> >
>> > I want to develop a custom Router processor, But I want that my
>> processor
>> > logic depends on external parameters than can be hot changed. So I have
>> to
>> > send some signals to the processor while it is running, so it will
>> change
>> > its internal routing logic. Is it possible to do that with apache nifi?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Frank Martínez.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Frank D. Martínez M.
> --
> Frank D. Martínez M.

Frank D. Martínez M.

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