
thanks Matt for clarifying things. I got it at the processor is working just 
fine with mysql. 
Now I tried to use it with MS SQL. But here I get some issues and could not 
figure out why it is not working.

My Configuration is:

Nifi: 0.5.0
Java 8
MS SQL 2014

Database Connection URL: 
Class Name: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Jar Url: file:///Users/rmeier/Downloads/tmp/sqljdbc42.jar 
Database user: sa
Password: *********

In the ExecuteSQL I have the following configuration:
MY Connection Pooling.
SQL select query: select * from tuser;

Max Wait Time: 0 seconds

But when I run the processor I get the following error:

10:30:02 CET ERROR
ExecuteSQL[id=d32x32d7-c477-4b3b-a8b9-a77d0be27273] failed to process due to 
org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Empty name; rolling back session: 
org.apache.avro.SchemaParseException: Empty name

10:30:02 CET ERROR
ExecuteSQL[id=d32x32d7-c477-4b3b-a8b9-a77d0be27273] Processor Administratively 
Yielded for 1 sec dure to processing failure

Did somebody of you have an idea how to solve this issue and what is the root 
cause here fore?

Thanks again for your help.

> Am 04.03.2016 um 21:17 schrieb Matt Burgess <mattyb...@gmail.com>:
> Currently ExecuteSql will put all available rows into a single flow file. 
> There is a Jira case (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1251 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1251>) to allow the user to break 
> up the result set into flow files containing a specified number of records.
> I'm not sure why you get 26 flow files, although if you let the flow run for 
> 26 seconds you should see 26 flow files, each with the contents of the 
> "users" table. This is because it will run every second (per your config) and 
> execute the same query ("SELECT * FROM users") every time.  There is a new 
> processor in the works (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1575 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-1575>) that will allow the user 
> to specify "maximum value columns", where the max values for each specified 
> column will be kept track of, so that each subsequent execution of the 
> processor will only retrieve rows whose values for those columns are greater 
> than the currently-held maximum value. An example would be a users table with 
> a primary key user_id, which is strictly increasing. The processor would run 
> once, fetching all available records, then unless a new row is added (with a 
> higher user_id value), no flow files will be output. If rows are added in the 
> meantime, then upon the next execution of the processor, only those "new" 
> rows will be output.
> I'm happy to help you work through this if you'd like to provide more details 
> about your table setup (columns, rows) and flow.
> Regards,
> Matt
> On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 3:04 PM, Ralf Meier <n...@cht3.com 
> <mailto:n...@cht3.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> i tried to understand the executeSQL Processor.
> I created a database with a table „users“. This table has two entries.
> The problem with the processor is that it selected multiple times the entries 
> from the table and created altogether 26 flow files even that only two 
> entries where available. In addition each flow file consist of the both 
> entires.
> I configured the executeSQL Processor the following way:
> Settings: Didn’t changed anything here except of auto terminate on failure:
> Scheduling:
>         Cron based: * * * * * ? (Run every minute)
>         Concurrent tasks: 1
> Properties:
>         Database Connection Pooling Service: DBmysql
>         SQL select query: Select * from user
>         My Wait Time: 0 seconds
> Then I used a processor: convertAvroToJson and a PutFile Processor.
> If I runt the flow it creates 26 flow files and each of them has all entries 
> of the tables as json included.
> My goal is to extract the table ones. So that the entries are only created 
> ones as json as row not 26 times.
> My understanding was that each row of the table will be one flow file and 
> therefore for each line of the table would be one json file on disk (using 
> PutFile).
> But it seems that this not right. What happens if I have millions of entries 
> in such a table? Will this be done with one flow file?
> How would I configure that Nifi extract the table ones?
> It would be great if somebody could help me with this ?
>  BR
> Ralf

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