​Does it store as an attribute if you change the return type from
auto-detect to JSON ?

*Return Type*  auto-detect

   - auto-detect
   - json
   - scalar

Indicates the desired return type of the JSON Path expressions. Selecting
'auto-detect' will set the return type to 'json' for a Destination of
'flowfile-content', and 'scalar' for a Destination of 'flowfile-attribute'.​

​Depending on your use case.... you might want to store those rate values
as content rather than attributes....but depends on what your trying to
accomplish.  You are not limited to changing your flow with just
EvaluateionJsonPath... you can probably add an additional processor after
it to do further filtering or setting of attributes, rather than trying to
just do it all in one shot with the EvaluateJsonPath processor.​

+ThadGuidry <https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry>

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