I am able to construct the dataflow with the following processors

ExecuteSQL--> ConvertAvrotoJson --> Elasticsearch.

The problem i seeing is elasticsearch unable to index the data because of
the Mapping parser exceptions.

13:27:37 EDT

PutElasticsearch[id=fc43fc28-215c-469a-9908-73d04d98d4c2] Failed to
container=default, section=540], offset=0,
length=697677],offset=0,name=1386348391725491,size=697677] into
Elasticsearch due to MapperParsingException[failed to parse]; nested:
NotSerializableExceptionWrapper[not_x_content_exception: Compressor
detection can only be called on some xcontent bytes or compressed
xcontent bytes];, transferring to failure

Am i  doing anything wrong here or do i need extra processor to convert
into right format what elasticsearch understands?

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 7:49 AM, Madhukar Thota <madhukar.th...@gmail.com>

> Friends,
> I am exploring ExecuteSQL processor in nifi and my goal to get sql data
> ingested in Elasticsearch.
> Can someone share or guide what's the flow looks like?
> Thanks in Advance.

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