Frank's work utilizes the Jolt spec(Apache 2 license), which is a great way
to handle JsonToJson transforms in my opinion.

Jolt is not a good fit for Process or Rules, (Use Groovy or Java, etc), but
transforming Json in a great declarative way with Jolt beats the pants off
of anything else out there. Although its not stream based, and can consume
memory when your Json payload size is huge, like 300mb json files, etc, but
fine for most Json payloads in the wild.

"Two things to be aware of :

   1. Jolt is not "stream" based, so if you have a very large Json document
   to transform you need to have enough memory to hold it.
   2. The transform process will create and discard a lot of objects, so
   the garbage collector will have work to do.

A few more details about how it can be used are mentioned on its official
page here:

A demo of Jolt to see how you can transform Json to Json (click the
Transform button):

Here's the rough performance of Jolt in 2013 where an 80k json file is
shifted in about 5 secs. (authors notes on this slide are interesting), :

+ThadGuidry <>

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