Hi Matt,

Thanks for the info - do you have an idea when you plan to issue the PR for


On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 at 14:47, Matt Burgess <mattyb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hive doesn't work with ExecuteSQL as its JDBC driver does not support
> all the JDBC API calls made by ExecuteSQL / PutSQL.  However I am
> working on a Hive NAR to include ExecuteHiveQL and PutHiveQL
> processors (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-981), there is
> a prototype pull request on GitHub
> (https://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/372) if you'd like to try them
> out. I am currently adding support for Kerberos and finishing up, then
> will issue a new PR for the processors.
> To use ExecuteScript in the meantime, you've got a couple of options
> after downloading the driver and all its dependencies (or better yet,
> the single "fat JAR"):
> 1) Add the location of the JAR(s) to the Module Directory property of
> the ExecuteScript dialog. You will have to create your own connection,
> if you're using Groovy then its Sql facility is quite nice
> (
> http://www.schibsted.pl/2015/06/groovy-sql-an-easy-way-to-database-scripting/
> )
> 2) Create a Database Connection Pool configured to point at the JAR(s)
> and use the Hive driver (org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver). Then you
> can get a connection from there and continue on with Groovy SQL (for
> example). I have a blog post about this:
> http://funnifi.blogspot.com/2016/04/sql-in-nifi-with-executescript.html
> Regards,
> Matt
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 8:07 AM, Pierre Villard
> <pierre.villard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> >
> > I never tried but using the JDBC client you should be able to query your
> > Hive table using ExecuteSQL processor.
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> > Pierre
> >
> >
> > 2016-04-26 13:53 GMT+02:00 Mike Harding <mikeyhard...@gmail.com>:
> >>
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I have a requirement to access a lookup Hive table to translate a code
> >> number in a FlowFile to a readable name. I'm just unsure how trivial it
> is
> >> to connect to the db from an ExecuteScript processor?
> >>
> >> Nifi and the hiveserver2 sit on the same node so I'm wondering if its
> >> possible to use HiveServer2's JDBC client
> >> (
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/HiveServer2+Clients#HiveServer2Clients-JDBC
> )
> >> without any issues?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance,
> >> Mike
> >
> >

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