
We are using Kafka as our messaging backbone and having been using Nifi since 
0.3.x – It has been a real game changer – thanks for the work!

In 0.6.1 When we set concurrent to anything greater than 1 and partition 
strategy to "round robin" we are getting an invalid partition error:

2016-04-29 17:44:31,536 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-6] 
PutKafka[id=67a1e471-1548-407c-bedc-a2a6212c2458] failed to process session due 
to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid partition given with record: 165 
is not in the range [0...10].: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid 
partition given with record: 165 is not in the range [0...10].

Setting the partition strategy to “random” seems to clear up this issue.

It also seems batching is not working as it did in previous versions.  Poking 
around in the code and comparing the PutKafka in 0.4.1 to 0.6.1 it appears the 
incoming message delimiter is now tied to outgoing batching, but from what I 
can tell this is not the case in 0.4.1.


if (context.getProperty(MESSAGE_DELIMITER).isSet()) {
} else {
    properties.setProperty("batch.size", "1");

We have many single small messages coming in and do not need the message 
delimiter but still want to batch.

It could very well be I am misunderstanding how this works.  Should I be using 
it differently?  Should I drop in the 0.4.1 kafka nar to get the batching 
behavior we are looking for?


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