Thanks Andy. Sorry, I forgot to mention – we are on 0.7 now, and will be moving 
to 1.0 after some time. Also, we have 128 GB machine.
So, we will go with multi-node setup only.


From: Andy LoPresto []
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: NiFi Cluster mode

Hi Manish,

With NiFi 1.0.0, the NCM model has been replaced by “zero master clustering” or 
“ZMC” [1]. This means an arbitrary number of nodes can run in the cluster, and 
there is no longer a SPOF. With ZMC, all connected nodes provide the UI and 
replicate changes to the flow to all other nodes. If a node is lost, a new 
coordinating node is elected via ZooKeeper.

In your case, if the machine available really is “large”, I would definitely 
recommend setting up a cluster on the single node and migrating or expanding it 
when possible. Migrating from a single node to a multi-node cluster is just a 
matter of configuration changes, and you will not lose any data. However, if 
you configure the application as a cluster from the beginning, you can 
seamlessly introduce new nodes to the cluster as they become provisioned with 
minimal changes to the running instances. Just ensure that you have the RAM 
available to run decent Java heaps for both instances, and follow the 
configuration best practices in the NiFi Admin Guide [2] for open file handles, 


Andy LoPresto<><>
PGP Fingerprint: 70EC B3E5 98A6 5A3F D3C4  BACE 3C6E F65B 2F7D EF69

On Sep 27, 2016, at 11:27 AM, Manish Gupta 8 
<<>> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

In one of our project, we only have one large box available for running NiFi in 
production (to start with). This is due to some data center related issues 
(availability of space etc.).  Later, if required, we will move to a multi-node 

We are thinking about - Should we set up NiFi to run in Clustered mode from the 
beginning i.e. NCM + Slave node on single machine or should we set it up as 
single-node deployment. Some of the considerations are:
•         How difficult is it to move from single node deployment (without 
running NCM) to a multi-node cluster? I mean, can we simply make some 
configuration settings and run NCM to existing installation and add multiple 
nodes to it? Should we worry about any potential data/configuration loss while 
doing such an upgrade?
•         Is NCM resource intensive?
•         Any other factor we should consider?


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