In the case of a GetFile processor it is managed by a single node since the
file being picked up is on the local filesystem of one of the nodes.

There are other approaches to parallelize work... If you had a shared
network location you can use ListFile + FetchFile in a certain way so that
one node does the listing, and then all nodes do fetching.
The same can be done for ListHDFS + FetchHDFS, and some other List + Fetch

This post talks about some of this:


On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:40 AM, Monica Franceschini <> wrote:

> Thank you Bryan,
> yes that's what I meant and it makes sense to me. Only a further question:
> is this stream parallelized if needed on the (hypothetical) Nifi cluster
> or it is managed by a single node?
> Cheers
> Monica

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