
You have two clusters here potentially.  The NiFi cluster and the
Hadoop cluster.  Which one went down?

If NiFi went down I'd suspect memory exhaustion issues because other
resource exhaustion issues like full file system, exhausted file
handles, pegged CPU, etc.. tend not to cause it to restart.  If memory
related you'll probably see something in the nifi-app.log.  Try going
with a larger heap as can be controlled in conf/bootstrap.conf.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 5:55 AM, Alessio Palma
<> wrote:
> Hello all,
> yesterday, for a mistake, basically I executed " ls -R / " using the
> ListHDFS processor and the whole cluster gone down ( not just a node ).
> Something like this also happened when I was playing with some DO WHILE
> / WHILE DO patterns. I have only the nifi logs and they show the
> heartbeat has been lost. About the CPU LOAD, NETWORK TRAFFIC I have no
> info. Any pointers about where do I have look for the problem's root ?
> Today I'm trying to repeat the problems I got with DO/WHILE, nothing bad
> is happening although CPU LOAD is enough high and NETWORK  TRAFFIC
> increased up to 282 Kb/sec.
> Of course I can redo the "ls -R /" on production, however I like to
> avoid it since there are already some ingestion flows running.
> AP

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