Thanks Matt for your quickly response. 

My problem isn’t to process the same table twice,  but to guarantee I don’t 
process the same table at the same time,   what I wish achieve is a 
synchronized process for  each table.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Burgess [] 
Sent: segunda-feira, 13 de Fevereiro de 2017 18:25
Subject: Re: RemoveDistributedMapCache


With a RemoveDistributedMapCache processor in your suggested flow, there might 
be an issue depending on when the duplicates are routed off.  For example, if 
the first time we see the table name, that flow file gets all the way through 
to RemoveDistributedMapCache before a duplicate has been detected by 
DetectDuplicate, then the cache entry would be removed and you could process 
the same table twice. I guess the question here is: how do you know when you're 
"done" with the cache value?

Also FWIW, speaking of my Groovy DCache script, you can use it (or parts of it) 
in an ExecuteScript processor to emulate the functionality of a 
RemoveDistributedMapCache processor.


On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Carlos Manuel Fernandes (DSI) 
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I ‘m using NIFI to replicate tables from one relational 
> Database(Mainframe) to other Database,  with incremental updates,  
> based on a timestamp and primary key. The process is made with tree custom 
> processors:
> GenerateListOfTablesToSyncronize  -> CreteTableIfNotExists -> 
> IncrementalLoadData.  If by mistake, in 
> GenerateListOfTablesToSyncronize i generate the same table twice, I 
> must guarantee the two flows run sequential not in parallel. For that, I need 
> some kind of lock, and the  MapCache
> processors seems to be the solution.    The solution I see is:
> GenerateListOfTablesToSyncronize  -> DetectDuplicte (tableName, with 
> no age
> Off) ->CreteTableIfNotExists -> IncrementalLoadData –> 
> RemoveDistributedMapCache (tableName)
> Unfortunately there isn’t  the processor RemoveDistributedMapCache, I 
> could handle this,  thanks to Matt Burgess
> (
> which make possible manipulate directly the Cache using groovy.   No one
> have this kind of requirement to justify the creation of 
> RemoveDistributedMapCache ?
> Thanks
> Carlos

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