
In my case I had not seen the issue until I added 7 new 
QueryDatabaseProcessor's. All seven of them kicked off against the same SQL 
database on restart and took 10 to 15 minutes to come back.  During that time 
my default 10 threads was running with only 3 to spare, which were being shared 
across a lot of other jobs.  I bumped it up considerably and have not had 
issues since then.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Witt [] 
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2017 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Visual Indicator for "Can't run because there are no threads"?


That is a good idea and I don't believe there is any existing JIRAs to do so.  
But the idea makes a lot of sense.  Being so thread starved that processors do 
not get to run for extended periods of time is pretty unique.  Makes me think 
that the flow has processors which are not honoring the model but are rather 
more acting like greedy thread daemons.  That should also be considered.  But 
even with that said I could certainly see how it would be helpful to know that 
a processor is running less often than it would like due to lack of available 
threads rather than just backpressure.


On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 4:57 PM, Peter Wicks (pwicks) <> wrote:
> I think everyone was really happy when backpressure finally got super 
> great indicators.  Backpressure used to be my #1, “Why isn’t stuff moving?”
> problem.  My latest issue is there are no free threads, sometimes for 
> hours, and I don’t notice and start wondering what’s going on.
> Is there anything under consideration for an indicator to show how 
> many processors can’t run because there aren’t enough threads 
> available? I can create a ticket, wasn’t sure if there was one floating 
> around.

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