
I see where you’re going with this and I do believe that it is a valuable 
enterprise feature. Unfortunately, template XML files are not the bootstrap 
source of the flow such as flow.gz file. They are only used for 
save/move/migrate/etc., which means any modifications to them are not going to 
be automatically picked up.
But as I said, I do personally believe that something like this would be 
extremely valuable and could potentially be put on NiFi roadmap. Would you mind 
raising a Feature Request - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI so we 
can at least track it and gage the public interest?


> On Mar 9, 2017, at 6:46 AM, James McMahon <jsmcmah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning. We are developing NiFi workflows with a few key strategic goals 
> in mind, one of which is this: change common workflows in one place only, and 
> have those changes ripple through to all process groups that employ that code.
> More specifically: we have a complex but common workflow that we save as 
> template XYZ. That template is used within Process Group ABC, DEF, and XYZ. 
> We need to make improvements to the template, and want those improvements to 
> be picked up automatically by each of the process groups. How do we make that 
> happen?
> Thank you in advance for your insights.
> Jim

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