Hi list,
I'm a NiFi newbie and I'm trying to figure out the best way to use it as a 
batch ingestion system for satellite imagery as raster files.The files are 
pushed on the FS by an external system and then they must be processed and 
published through WMS protocols.I tried to draft the flow using the NiFi 
processors available, summarizing I used:
- GetFile and PutFile processors to watch for incoming files to process - 
UpdateAttributes to manage the location of the incoming files and the 
intermediate processing products- ExecuteStreamProcess to call the gdalwarp and 
gdaladdo command line utilities to do the geospatial processing needed 
The issue I found with my use case is the fact that what represent flowfiles 
are big raster files (1 to 6GB) and I would like to minimize the number of 
copies of that resource.
I used the GetFile processor to watch a FileSystem folder for incoming 
files.Once a new file is found, it is imported in the NiFi internal content 
repository so I can't reference it with its absolute FS path anymore since it 
is transformed into a flowfile (Did I misunderstand something here?)So I have 
to copy it again somewhere else on the FS to process it, the geospatial 
processing utilities I have to use require the abs path of the files to process.
There could be maybe a solution which better address the design of this flow, 
for example I can watch not for the real file but for a txt file which describe 
its FS abs path.
Anyway I was wondering if it is possible to configure the GetFile processors to 
use as flowfile payload only the absolute path of the file found, but I guess 
that in that case I have to write my own GetFile processor. (the same could be 
valid also for other Getxxx processors)

Anyone has some hints to suggest me? Am I on the right path? I would be sure 
that I am not overlooking at some NiFi concept/feature that can allows me to 
better manage this Use case.

I hope to have been clear enough, any shared shared would be extremely 

Best regards,Damiano

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Damiano Giampaoli
Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
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