You could use the combination of ListFTP and FetchFTP (this is, most of the
time, a better approach), and between the two processors you could do a
RouteOnAttribute and only keep the flow files with the filename you are
looking for.


2017-04-21 13:29 GMT+02:00 prabhu Mahendran <>:

>  I have tried that "GetFTP" processor in which downloads file from FTP
> accoding to the two attributes
> 1."FileFilterRegex" -Name of file in FTP
> 2."RemotePath"-Path of an FTP file.
> I wants to download the File from FTP Server only if it having today's
> date which is append with filename.
> *For example:*
> File name is *20170421TempFile.txt *
> which is in FTP Server.
> Now i need to give that system date only to be append with filename.It
> should get the current system date automatically *instead of given date
> value directly*.
> So i have find that ${now()} gets the current system date but i cannot
> give it in *"FileFilterRegex"* attribute due to it doesn't have
> expression language support.
> Finally i need to get particular file with current date.
>  Anyone give some idea/guide me to achieve my requirements?

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