no worries tim.  this is a good place to ask and I guarantee this
thread will help someone else later.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 10:30 AM, Tim Zimmerman <> wrote:
> Bryan,
>   Thanks for the quick response. Yes I thought it quite strange myself. I
> was trying to debug a processor rather than any bootstrap process. I am
> pretty sure I was connected to the correct process. I did not see any
> additional java processes (other than my IDE) and when I disconnected I saw
> output in NiFi indicating that it was listening to for connections on 8187.
>   This morning I tried to reproduce everything I had done yesterday and it
> works using either my port or the original port regardless of whether I
> suspend the process on start up or not. Basically, it all works as expected
> this morning.
>   I don't have an explanation for the change in behavior. Yesterday I did
> restart my IDE (NetBeans) but that did not seem to make any difference. This
> morning I did not restart anything (just put my laptop to sleep last night)
> and it all seems to work.
>   I apologize for submitting before I tested it again this morning. And I
> sincerely appreciate the help.
> tim
> ________________________________
> From: Bryan Rosander <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 1:22:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Issues with debugging
> Hey Tim,
> That's pretty strange that your breakpoints aren't being hit.  In the past
> when things like that have happened to me, it's usually due to me
> successfully connecting but to the wrong JVM.
> If you're trying to debug code related to the bootstrap process itself
> (RunNiFi or anything it calls), you'd need to put the debug arg in
> or nifi.bat depending on OS, not in bootstrap.conf.  Our bootstrap process
> runs in a separate JVM from NiFi.
> If that isn't the issue, you could run jps  to list all Java processes and
> be sure that only the NiFi instance(s) you expect are running are listed.
> If that doesn't show anything unexpected, would you mind setting suspend=y
> in the above property and restarting NiFi?  Having suspend=y will make the
> NiFi JVM wait on a debugger connection before proceeding with startup which
> would rule out things like accidentally connecting to another local NiFi or
> Java process, etc.
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Tim Zimmerman <>
> wrote:
>> Not sure if this is a bug or misunderstanding on my part.
>> I was trying to enable debugging so that I could troubleshoot a problem. I
>> modified bootstrap.conf to enable debugging. I simply uncommented the
>> java.arg.debug line and changed the  port to 8187. I was able to attach to
>> the process at 8187 but my breakpoints were never hit. If Ieave the address
>> alone, set to 8000 it worked as expected.
>> The following worked as expected:
>> java.arg.debug=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000
>> With address changed to 8187, debugger attached but never stopped on
>> breakpoints :
>> java.arg.debug=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8187
>> Input is appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>>   tim

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