We have a node.js service that automatically creates & manages NiFi groups
using the REST API which works great in NiFi 1.1.1.  We are upgrading our
NiFi instances to 1.2.0 and I have found that some of the processors are
exhibiting odd behavior.

We have a flow the connects to the Outlook 365 OWA service generates an
access token and then uses that token in two different InvokeHTTP
processors.  The first processor always works and the second always returns
an HTTP error 401.

If I delete and manually re-add the InvokeHTTP processor with the same
configuration it always works.

If I export this flow from the NiFi web interface and then re-import it,
only fixing the SSL context service, it works every time.

Using our node.js service to create the exact same flow in NiFi 1.1.1 it
always works.


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