No problem at all, glad you got it sorted out! The delimiter functions more
like a filter, where all subkeys below the prefix with the delimiter are

A good explanation is found here:

And a quote from that link:

To list only the root level objects in the bucket you send a GET request on
the bucket with "/" delimiter character.

So that makes sense why you could list the contents of the leaf "directory"
but nothing above it.


On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Laurens Vets <> wrote:

> Sounds like you had some success using the prefix
> "AWSLogs/<aws_id>/CloudTrail/ap-northeast-1/2017/07/03/", is that right?
> If so, when you right-click and choose "View State", is the timestamp and
> latest key name stored?
> Try changing the prefix to 
> "AWSLogs/<aws_id>/CloudTrail/ap-northeast-1/2017/07/",
> clearing the existing state (right-click => "View State" => "Clear State"),
> and start the process again. Does it continue to produce files? What
> happens as you continue to go up the directory structure (adjusting the
> prefix and clearing the state)? Does it stop producing files at some point?
> Keep in mind that for this use case the prefix should always end in a
> forward slash ('/').
> In our case, we've been using ListS3 to ingest CloudTrail logs on NiFi
> 1.1.1 for some time, and it has always recursed into S3 "subdirectories" as
> expected.
> I found it, I had Delimiter set to "/". Apparently, this does not work.
> After removing this, everything seems to work.
> I'm sorry I kept the list busy with this stupid mistake...

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