
Could it be ok for your case to use MergeContent to package data
together in some archive format like Zip/Tar?  If yes then you can
just add a tar/zip to your email.

Otherwise, the changes necessary to PutEmail for supporting multiple
attachments would be quite involved.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Mika Borner <n...@my2ndhead.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a use case where I need to attach two files to a mail message.
> As the PutEmail processor only handles one flowfile as an attachment at a
> time, I'm trying to compose the multipart message by myself.
> I have Base64 encoded the attachment and added boundaries, and then added
> the data into the message attribute, but now I'm unable to set the Content
> Type to "multipart/mixed; boundary=<boundary>", which would be needed.
> I'm getting an exception:
> 2017-09-13 18:12:08,850 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-10]
> o.a.nifi.processors.standard.PutEmail
> PutEmail[id=015e1000-5cef-1d09-a660-e1ef3a8825ab] Failed to send email for
> StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=2beb9198-06d6-4a68-8456-aaed0c6fc89a,claim=StandardContentClaim
> [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1505288584837-1, container=default,
> section=1], offset=813176,
> length=197],offset=0,name=33321931515708,size=197]: MIME part of type
> "multipart/mixed; boundary=attachement" contains object of type
> java.lang.String instead of MimeMultipart; routing to failure:
> javax.mail.MessagingException: MIME part of type "multipart/mixed;
> boundary=attachement" contains object of type java.lang.String instead of
> MimeMultipart
> javax.mail.MessagingException: MIME part of type "multipart/mixed;
> boundary=attachement" contains object of type java.lang.String instead of
> MimeMultipart.
> Any ideas? Or any other suggestions how I can send multiple mail
> attachements with NiFi?
> Thanks!
> Mika>

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