On Wed, Jun 13, 2018, 9:19 PM ClojureVerse summary <
notificati...@clojureverse.org> wrote:

> A brief summary since your last visit on May 31
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> June 11
> *Async/Generator functions in CLJS - (requesting feedback!)*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/async-generator-functions-in-cljs-requesting-feedback/2262>
> shaunlebron
> I’ve been drafting a proposal for using JavaScript’s parking primitives
> (e.g. yield, await) in ClojureScript, and it’s ready for more feedback!
> 15
> 21
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> <https://clojureverse.org/t/async-generator-functions-in-cljs-requesting-feedback/2262>
> Blogs <https://clojureverse.org/c/learning-resources/blogs>
> June 11
> *Datomic Ion launch day questions answered by Rich*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/datomic-ion-launch-day-questions-answered-by-rich/2258>
> Alexandr Kozyrev
> alexandrkozyrev
> http://dustingetzcom.hyperfiddle.net/:datomic-ion-launch-day-questions/
> 2
> 0
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> <https://clojureverse.org/t/datomic-ion-launch-day-questions-answered-by-rich/2258>
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> <https://clojureverse.org/c/showcase/your-projects-and-libraries>
> June 10
> *Reagent/Re-frame control state libraries*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/reagent-re-frame-control-state-libraries/2250>
> Colin Kahn
> colinkahn
> Hi,
> I wanted to share some very alpha libraries based around the idea of
> defining “control states” in your single page applications. The first is
> re-state <https://github.com/protocol55/re-state>, which is a re-frame
> interceptor. The other is a much simpler library that works just with
> reagent called control-state <https://github.com/colinkahn/control-state>.
> 2
> 0
> Read More
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/reagent-re-frame-control-state-libraries/2250>
> Watercooler <https://clojureverse.org/c/community-center/watercooler>
> June 9
> *I saw Clojure code in Sketch.systems, was I wrong?*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/i-saw-clojure-code-in-sketch-systems-was-i-wrong/2247>
> Jon
> jiyinyiyong
> Checkout the video on https://sketch.systems/ at about 00:30.
> Interesting. Very curious where they are using Clojure(Script)?
> 4
> 1
> Read More
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/i-saw-clojure-code-in-sketch-systems-was-i-wrong/2247>
> General Questions
> <https://clojureverse.org/c/questions-help/general-questions>
> June 11
> *Clojure at Zenrobotics*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/clojure-at-zenrobotics/2256>
> Cam Peterson
> campeterson
> Hey all.
> Some years ago Zenrobotics of Finland posted Clojure jobs. I am to
> remember that it was one of the largest Clojure codebases (according to the
> post).
> 5
> 3
> Read More <https://clojureverse.org/t/clojure-at-zenrobotics/2256>
> Popular Posts
> Hi! I’m familiar with the story! I worked for ZenRobotics (ZR) as a
> software developer 2013-2015.
> For some context, the main product of ZenRobotics is the ZenRobotics
> Recycler (ZRR), a robot system for sorting waste. If you’re curious, check
> out this marketing video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxkklR3BNFc>.
> For more details, these slides
> <https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51df34b1e4b08840dcfd2841/t/584aa80546c3c4a1e3e8349d/1481287701029/ROS-I-Conf2016-day1-03-tammepold.pdf>
> have some architecture diagrams.
> Miikka
> Clojure at Zenrobotics
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/clojure-at-zenrobotics/2256/2>
> Read More <https://clojureverse.org/t/clojure-at-zenrobotics/2256/2>
> That is why I’m trying to understand your motivations.
> shadow-cljs is using the JVM and that is never going to change. It’s
> dependencies include clojure, closure-compiler (java, not the GWT
> variant) and undertow (java webserver) which are unlikely to ever appear
> on npm. If you want to eliminate Java then shadow-cljs might not be the
> correct choice for you.
> Thomas Heller
> thheller
> Again, will shadow-cljs support loading cljs from node_modules?
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/again-will-shadow-cljs-support-loading-cljs-from-node-modules/2078/8>
> Read More
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/again-will-shadow-cljs-support-loading-cljs-from-node-modules/2078/8>
> Another exciting development: https://github.com/replikativ/datahike
> Like DataScript, but durable. Still, not suitable for storing the DB
> directly as pretty printed EDN, but it has an import/export mechanism which
> allows you to store the datoms under version control. You could run the
> import on application startup and hook the export up as a pre-commit hook.
> You get to use datalog as your query language which is awesome.
> Michiel Borkent
> borkdude
> Database under version control?
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/database-under-version-control/2242/6>
> Read More
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/database-under-version-control/2242/6>
> You should also be careful with pre/post conditions as they throw
> AssertionError’s when triggered. This has two implications:
> Alexander Yakushev
> alexander-yakushev
> Why are pre and post conditions not used more often?
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/why-are-pre-and-post-conditions-not-used-more-often/2238/3>
> Read More
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/why-are-pre-and-post-conditions-not-used-more-often/2238/3>
> I’m the author of shadow-cljs and I migrated to Windows in January myself
> for the same reason. I can report that shadow-cljs works fine.
> Cursive/IntelliJ works flawlessly and way better than on my MacBook which
> frequently tried to lift off with fans at max. I’m on a really beefy
> machine now though, so not sure how a Surface Book performs.
> Thomas Heller
> thheller
> MS Windows as a Clojure dev environment?
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/ms-windows-as-a-clojure-dev-environment/2266/5>
> Read More
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/ms-windows-as-a-clojure-dev-environment/2266/5>
>   New for you
> *Why are pre and post conditions not used more often?*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/why-are-pre-and-post-conditions-not-used-more-often/2238>
> General Questions
> <https://clojureverse.org/c/questions-help/general-questions>
> 4
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> *Making a desktop app vs. local webserver vs electron*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/making-a-desktop-app-vs-local-webserver-vs-electron/2261>
> General Questions
> <https://clojureverse.org/c/questions-help/general-questions>
> 3
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> *Database under version control?*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/database-under-version-control/2242>
> Watercooler <https://clojureverse.org/c/community-center/watercooler>
> 3
> 5
> *Yarn workspaces?* <https://clojureverse.org/t/yarn-workspaces/2241>
> shadow-cljs <https://clojureverse.org/c/projects/shadow-cljs>
> 2
> 5
> *How does clojure.walk/walk work for deeply nested data structures?*
> <https://clojureverse.org/t/how-does-clojure-walk-walk-work-for-deeply-nested-data-structures/2232>
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