Ok I think I have post to quickly.

So I run more test.

UPSERT document with Operator Enable
test1 : upsert the document {"id1":1,$set{"value":"abc"}}, PutMongo
updateQueryKey=id1 => ok
test2 : upsert the document {"id1":1,"id2":1,$set:{"value":"abc"}},
PutMongo updateQueryKey=id1,id2
     line 220 : removeUpdateKeys() doen't remove anything because this
method deals only with property with daot (p1.p2)
         line 229 : update.remove() doesn't remove anything because trying to
remove many keys from the map
         So the update parameter send to mongodb is :
{"id1":1,"id2":1,$set:{"value":"abc"}} and mongo throws Invalid BSON field
name id1 exception
test3 :  upsert the document {"ids.id1":1,"value":"abc"}, PutMongo
updateQueryKey=ids.id1  => ok
test4 :  upsert the document {"ids.id1":1,"ids.id2":1,"value":"abc"},
PutMongo updateQueryKey=ids.id1,ids.id2 => ok
test5 :  upsert the document {"id1":1,"ids.id2":1,"value":"abc"}, PutMongo
     line 220 : removeUpdateKeys() remove "ids.id2" from the document
         ine 229 : update.remove() doesn't remove anything because trying to
remove many keys from the map
         So the update parameter send to mongodb is :
{"id1":1,$set:{"value":"abc"}} and mongo throws Invalid BSON field name id1

UPSERT document With whole document
test 6 :  upsert the document {"id1":1,"value":"abc"}, PutMongo
updateQuertKey=id1 => ok
test 7 :  upsert the document {"id1":1,"id2":1,"value":"abc"}, PutMongo
updateQuertKey=id1;id2 => ok
test 8 :  upsert the document {"ids.id1":1,"value":"abc"}, PutMongo
        query : {ids.id1=1}   doc : {value=abc}
                inserted : { "_id" : ObjectId("5b44c5aeab8179ca72466a2f"),
"value" : "abc" }
test 9 :  upsert the document {"ids.id1":1,"ids.id2":1,"value":"abc"},
PutMongo updateQueryKey=ids.id1,ids.id2
                query : {ids.id1=1, ids.id2=1}  doc : {value=abc}
                inserted : { "_id" : ObjectId("5b44c51cab8179ca7246648c"),
"value" : "abc" }
test 10 :  upsert the document {"id1":1,"ids.id2":1,"value":"abc"},
PutMongo updateQueryKey=id1,ids.id2
        query : {id1=1, value=abc}, doc : {id1=1, value=abc}
                inserted :{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b44c44bab8179ca72465c96"),
"id1" : 1, "value" : "abc" }

I think we should distinguish 2 update mode :
    - first use case : using updateQuery (not empty). In this case the
query and the doc (flowfile) should be transmit to mongoDB without any
        - second use case : using udateQueryKey : the processor have to build
the query  based on the document and updateQueryKey paramter: then we have
2 mode :
            - WithOperatorEnable : the doc (flowfile) have the following form
                                        the updateQuertKey parameter :
                                                                so the 
processor have to
build the query parameter : {"key":"a","keys.k1":"b"} and remove the keys
from de document.
                - WithWholeDocument : the json doc is
parameter : key,keys.k1
                                                                so the 
processor have to
extract the valurs of the different keys and build the
query :{"key":"a","keys.k1":"b"}, the doc remains unchanged.

I update the code of my custom processor, it works.
Here is the java code part I have modified for putMongoProcessor.  (See
attached file: PutMongo-part.java)
What do you think about that ?


(Embedded image moved to file: pic04966.jpg)

Direction Digital & Systèmes d’Information Groupe

MACIF - 2 et 4, rue Pied de Fond - 79037 Niort cedex 9
Tél. : +33 (0)5 49 09 36 06
Email : mon.em...@macif.fr / Pré Doyen 2 – bureau 999

www.macif.fr - Appli présente sur Google Play Store & Apple Store
(Embedded image moved to file: pic07376.jpg)

De :    Mike Thomsen <mikerthom...@gmail.com>
A :     users@nifi.apache.org,
Date :  09/07/2018 17:10
Objet : Re: Issue with PutMongoProcessor using upsert mode.

removeUpdateKeys should be skipping your key because it's a simple key.

private void removeUpdateKeys(String updateKeyParam, Map doc) {
    String[] parts = updateKeyParam.split(",[\\s]*");
    for (String part : parts) {
        if (part.contains(".")) {

Are you sure the value is just identifiant and not something like something

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 9:42 AM Yves HAMEL <yha...@macif.fr> wrote:

      I try to "upsert" document in a mongodb collection.
      When the document exists, PutMongo processor update the document but
      the document doesn't exist the processor do not create it.
      Here is the setting of my PutMongo processor :
              Mode : updateg
              Upsert : true
              Update Query Key : identifiant
              Update Query : null
              Update Mode : With Operator Enabled

      I have read the PutMongodb.java and notice a strange thing when
      mongodb update request :
                      if (!StringUtils.isBlank(updateKey)) {
                          query = parseUpdateKey(updateKey, (Map)doc);
                          removeUpdateKeys(updateKey, (Map)doc);
                      } else {
                          query = Document.parse(filterQuery);
      When using updateKey, it builds the query with the updateKey and
      this key from the document so it creates the document without the
      The document is created but there is missing part of the document.
      When using update_query mode, it does remove anything form the

      I simply remove the removeUpdateKeys() method call in a test custum
      processor. And it works fine.

      Is that path correct ?


      Yves HAMEL
      (Embedded image moved to file: pic07711.jpg)

      Yves HAMEL
      Direction Digital & Systèmes d’Information Groupe

      MACIF - 2 et 4, rue Pied de Fond - 79037 Niort cedex 9
      Tél. : +33 (0)5 49 09 36 06
      Email : mon.em...@macif.fr / Pré Doyen 2 – bureau 999

      www.macif.fr - Appli présente sur Google Play Store & Apple Store
      (Embedded image moved to file: pic28253.jpg)

Attachment: PutMongo-part.java
Description: Binary data

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