Hi Alexander,

Can you verify by pinging if the 3 nodes (tcp ping) or run nifi in
standalone mode and see if you can ping them from other 2 servers just to
be sure if they can communicate with one another.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 11:49 AM Saip, Alexander (NIH/CC/BTRIS) [C] <
alexander.s...@nih.gov> wrote:

> How do I do that? The *nifi.properties* file on each node includes ‘
> *nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start=true’*, so I assume
> Zookeeper does start.
> *From:* ashmeet kandhari <ashmeetkandhar...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 11, 2018 4:36 AM
> *To:* users@nifi.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: NiFi fails on cluster nodes
> Can you see if zookeeper node is up and running and can connect to the
> nifi nodes
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 7:34 PM Saip, Alexander (NIH/CC/BTRIS) [C] <
> alexander.s...@nih.gov> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have three NiFi 1.7.1 nodes originally configured as independent
> instances, each on its own server. There is no firewall between them. When
> I tried to build a cluster following instructions here
> <https://mintopsblog.com/2017/11/12/apache-nifi-cluster-configuration/>,
> NiFi failed to start on all of them, despite the fact that I even set *
> nifi.cluster.protocol.is.secure=false* in the *nifi.properties* file on
> each node. Here is the error in the log files:
> 2018-10-10 13:57:07,506 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Launching NiFi...
> 2018-10-10 13:57:07,745 INFO [main]
> o.a.nifi.properties.NiFiPropertiesLoader Determined default nifi.properties
> path to be '/opt/nifi-1.7.1/./conf/nifi.properties'
> 2018-10-10 13:57:07,748 INFO [main]
> o.a.nifi.properties.NiFiPropertiesLoader Loaded 125 properties from
> /opt/nifi-1.7.1/./conf/nifi.properties
> 2018-10-10 13:57:07,755 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Loaded 125
> properties
> 2018-10-10 13:57:07,762 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.BootstrapListener
> Started Bootstrap Listener, Listening for incoming requests on port 43744
> 2018-10-10 13:59:15,056 ERROR [main] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Failure to
> launch NiFi due to java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out
> (Connection timed out)
> java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
>         at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
>         at
> java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:350)
>         at
> java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:206)
>         at
> java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:188)
>         at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:392)
>         at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:589)
>         at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:538)
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.BootstrapListener.sendCommand(BootstrapListener.java:100)
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.BootstrapListener.start(BootstrapListener.java:83)
>         at org.apache.nifi.NiFi.<init>(NiFi.java:102)
>         at org.apache.nifi.NiFi.<init>(NiFi.java:71)
>         at org.apache.nifi.NiFi.main(NiFi.java:292)
> 2018-10-10 13:59:15,058 INFO [Thread-1] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Initiating
> shutdown of Jetty web server...
> 2018-10-10 13:59:15,059 INFO [Thread-1] org.apache.nifi.NiFi Jetty web
> server shutdown completed (nicely or otherwise).
> Without clustering, the instances had no problem starting. Since this is
> our first experiment building a cluster, I’m not sure where to look for
> clues.
> Thanks in advance,
> Alexander

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