Not sure I understand: "InvokeHttp" offers 5 relationships: "Failure", "No
Retry",  "Original", "Response", "Retry" with incoming FlowFile created for
"matched" relationship...Don't see any "Result" and "Response" flowfile
doesn't seem to contain input attributes. I work with ver. 1.7.0 of nifi
Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:16 PM Koji Kawamura <>

> Hello,
> InvokeHttp creates a new FlowFile for "Result" relationship from the
> incoming FlowFile. That means, the FlowFile for "Result" carries all
> attributes copied that the incoming one has. You just need to connect
> the "Result" relationship to ReplaceTest. "Original" can be
> auto-terminated in this case.
> Thanks,
> Koji
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 5:37 AM l vic <> wrote:
> >
> > I have to create sql query from results of rest call (InvokeHttp ) and
> original request parameters...
> >
> > Any idea how i can merge attributes from both in single flowfile for
> passing it to "ReplaceText"? If I pass both "Original" and "Result" from
> "InvokeHttp" to "ReplaceText" I end up with one "valid" flowfile using
> attributes from both and one "junk" one with empty placeholders... If I try
> use "MergeContent" to  merge flows I end up only with junk only like the
> following
> >
> >
> > update joint_table set create_date = 1540321085127, filter = '',
> data_start_time =  + 1532016495 - , execute_date = 1532016495 + where id =
> '1749462c-ed2b-4a34-9332-3687a60c1e1c'
> >
> >
> > Thank you

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