Ran into a NiFi Registry issue while upgrading our instances to NiFi 1.8.0. 
ExecuteSQL had a number of new properties added to it in 1.8.0, so after 
upgrading our, our versioned processor groups show as having local changes, 
which is good. We went ahead and checked the changes into the registry.

Enter the second instance... we upgraded a second instance. It also see's local 
changes, but now the processor group is in conflict, because we have local 
(identical) changes, and we have a newer version checked in. If you try to 
revert the local changes so you can sync things up... you can't, because these 
are properties on the Processor, and the default values automatically come 
back. So our second processor group is in conflict and we haven't found a way 
to bring it back in sync without deleting it and re loading it from the 
registry. Help would be appreciated.


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