
I'm trying to use the invokeHttp processor to POST to an https site through a 
proxy. The proxy is http. Through some googling I found references that Java is 
rather finicky with SSL connections and wants the target server certificate in 
its truststore, but InvokeHttp also offers the trusted hostname parameter.

Because I don't have CLI access to the server that NiFi runs on, that seemed 
like the way to get what I want and I added the hostname to the Trusted 
Hostname. The domain is in a form of subsub.sub.domain.tld and I've tried it 
just like, as well as *.sub.domain.tld and *.domain.tld and domain.tld, but I 
keep getting this Java exception:

sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: 
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find 
valid certification path to requested target

Am I doing something wrong? Is truststore really the only way to go? We're 
working with HDF 3.1.0 / NiFi 1.5.0.*

Cheers, Walter


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