This template has been created on Nifi 1.6; It fails only on 1.5
environments: looks as InvokeHTTP 1.5 does not have this property

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 1:29 PM Mark Payne <> wrote:

> It looks like you are attempting to send a header named "Proxy Type". I
> don't believe that HTTP Headers
> are allowed to have spaces. So you'll want to check your configuration of
> the InvokeHTTP processor and see
> why it's trying to send that header.
> On Jan 30, 2019, at 12:01 PM, l vic <> wrote:
> I am using InvokeHTTP with StandardRestrictedSSLContextService 1.6.0 to
> perform REST call with Proxy Type = https
> On some systems it just works, on other systems i have the following error:
> InvokeHTTP[id=d3f4b6c9-1204-3e1a-1373-431715543d24] Routing to Failure due
> to exception: Unexpected char 0x20 at 5 in header name: Proxy Type:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected char 0x20 at 5 in header
> name: Proxy Type
> This exception doesn't seem to appear anywhere in logs, any idea how to
> troubleshoot this problem, or what can cause it?
> Thank you

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