Sure. Thanks, Joe.

On Sun, 17 Feb. 2019, 22:52 Joe Witt < wrote:

> ali
> there are many variables here that are needed before anyone could know for
> sure.
> but give it a try and measure amd forecast and youll know within a day or
> two.
> thanks
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2019, 11:37 PM Ali Nazemian < wrote:
>> Thanks, Joe. Given the fact that we would like to add a few attributes
>> and set them to be indexed for the provenance, the mentioned rate should be
>> alright?
>> Cheers,
>> Ali
>> On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 2:56 PM Joe Witt <> wrote:
>>> Ali
>>> You certainly can and at the rates you mention you should be able to
>>> keep it for a good while.
>>> Just set the properties you need for your system and measure the rate at
>>> which prov storage fills.
>>> Thanks
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 10:29 PM Ali Nazemian <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I didn't mean to use Nifi provenance search for an external provenance
>>>> search. I meant to use it for internal search provenance but keep the
>>>> provenance for a longer time than usual. It means instead of expecting it
>>>> to keep provenance data for a few days, use it as an event store as it also
>>>> provides the search capability.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ali
>>>> On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 5:29 AM Andrew Grande <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> NiFi provenance searches are not a good integration pattern for
>>>>> external systems. I.e. using it to periodicaly fetch history burdens the
>>>>> cluster (those searches can be heavy) and disrupt normal processing SLAs.
>>>>> Pushing provenance events out to an external system (pitebtially even
>>>>> filtered down to components of interest) is a much more predictable 
>>>>> pattern
>>>>> and provides lots of flexibility on how to interpret the events.
>>>>> Andrew
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019, 11:26 PM Ali Nazemian <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Can I expect the Nifi search provenance part do the job for me?
>>>>>> On Fri, 15 Feb. 2019, 13:21 Mike Thomsen <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ali,
>>>>>>> There is a site to site publishing task for provenance that you can
>>>>>>> add as a root controller service that would be great here. It'll just 
>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>> all of your provenance data periodically and ship it off to another NiFi
>>>>>>> server or cluster that can process all of the provenance data as blocks 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> JSON data. A common pattern there is to filter down to the events you 
>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>> and publish to ElasticSearch.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 7:05 PM Ali Nazemian <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> I am investigating to see how Nifi provenance can be used as an
>>>>>>>> event store for a long period of time. Our use case is very burst 
>>>>>>>> based and
>>>>>>>> sometimes we may not receive any event for a period of time and 
>>>>>>>> sometimes
>>>>>>>> we may get burst traffic. On average we can say maybe around 1000 eps 
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> the expected throughput at this stage. Nifi has a powerful provenance 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> gives you an ability to also index based on some attributes. I am
>>>>>>>> investigating how reliable is to use Nifi provenance store for a long
>>>>>>>> period of time and enable index for a few extra attributes. Has anybody
>>>>>>>> used Nifi provenance at this scale? Can lots of Lucene indices create 
>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>> issues within Nifi as provenance uses Lucene for the indexing?
>>>>>>>> P.S: Our use case is pretty light for Nifi as we are not going to
>>>>>>>> have any ETL and Nifi is being used mostly as an Orchestrator of 
>>>>>>>> multiple
>>>>>>>> Microservices.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Ali
>>>> --
>>>> A.Nazemian
>> --
>> A.Nazemian

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