
> Note: both Registry and Nifi are in Docker containers on the same node. I
tried with IP address, but nothing.

Each docker container has its own IP address. You need to link the two
containers. I always use Docker Compose, so I can't help you on how to set
it up manually. That said, I did a sample last year connecting a few
different NiFi nodes and a registry w/ SSL here:

I can't remember if I kept the LDAP docker container referenced in it, but
you should be able to look at it and figure out how to link everything up
from that with Docker Compose.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 12:00 PM Kevin Doran <> wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> Given that you are getting a Connection refused exception and not an HTTP
> 401 or 403, I suspect that the problem is networking related and not
> authentication/authorization.
> Are the two docker containers on the same docker network? Can you
> resolve/ping the Registry container from the NiFi container, and when you
> create the Registry client in NiFi, are you using the hostname that the
> NiFi server/container would use to address Registry (ie, not the host a
> REgistry UI use might use if you are using port mapping to the docker
> container with the host).
> Here is an example repo in which I have an example of connecting NiFi and
> Registry and docker conatiners using docker-compose:
> Hope this helps,
> Kevin
> On February 18, 2019 at 10:08:54, Tomislav Novosel (
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I generated standalone certificate with nifi-toolkit for my two Nifi
> > instances and for Nifi registry instance. All are on the same domain so I
> > used one certificate and its credentials for properties file (trustore
> > path, keystore path, keystore passw, trustore passw).
> >
> > Auth is configured through domain LDAP server and everything works.
> >
> > On both Nifi node and Registry node I configured authorizers.xml file on
> > property "Node Identity 1" with value from keystore.jks on "Owner"
> > attribute.
> >
> > Owner: <>
> > In Nifi registry I added that as user and gave rights to read and modify
> > buckets.
> >
> > When I add Registry Client on Nifi node and Hit Start version control on
> > process group I got error:
> >
> > Error
> >
> > Unable to obtain listing of buckets:
> Connection
> > refused (Connection refused)
> >
> >
> > I missed something in configuration, please help me.
> >
> > Note: both Registry and Nifi are in Docker containers on the same node. I
> > tried with IP address, but nothing.
> >
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Tom
> >

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