
We would like, in a flow to:

1)      Read data from kafka

2)      Merge records

3)      PutParquet on HDFS

4)      Load data in Hive using LOAD DATA hiveql.

The first 3 steps are no problem, it's working fine.

But we wonder what is the best way to launch the hiveql command. We planned to 
use the PutHiveQL processor, but it needs the command in the flowfile content.

Using generateflowfile would be nice, but we can't generate the event to 
trigger the generateflowfile, preventing too to use the wait/notify.

What is the best way? I suppose replacetext or so would be too "heavy" has it 
requires to load the message in memory?

Thanks for any pointer/idea.

Aurélien DEHAY
Big Data Architect
+33 616 815 441

23/27 avenue des Champs Pierreux
92735 Nanterre Cedex - France

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