I deployed a nifi cluster with two virtual machines,  each  4 core, 16 GB  
The cpu is more than 100% even there's no processor running.
Often the cpu is about 300% after i start some processors. 

[root@iZuf6agrzcolqeja3if7kbZ ~]# ps -mp 3429  -o THREAD,tid,time | sort -k2 -n 
-r |less 
root      171   -    - -         -      -     - 07:08:43
root     16.1  19    - futex_    -      -  3598 00:40:18
root     16.1  19    - futex_    -      -  3569 00:40:29
root     16.0  19    - futex_    -      -  3597 00:40:02
root     15.9  19    - futex_    -      -  3603 00:39:51
root     15.9  19    - futex_    -      -  3601 00:39:57
root     15.9  19    - -         -      -  3604 00:39:57
root     15.8  19    - -         -      -  3713 00:39:40
root     15.7  19    - -         -      -  3600 00:39:27
root     15.6  19    - futex_    -      -  3712 00:39:00
root     15.6  19    - futex_    -      -  3593 00:39:05

There's some threads consumes cpu. I pick one and jstack it, often it is in 
waiting state.
Any insight on this?



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