Hi all,

I'm getting errors from FetchFile and UnpackContent processors.
I have pipeline where I fetch zip files as they come continuously on shared
network drive
with Minimum file age set to 30 sec to avoid fetching file before it is
written to disk completely.

Sometimes I get this error from FetchFile:

FetchFile[id=c741187c-1172-1166-e752-1f79197a8029] Could not fetch file
\\avl01\ATGRZ\TestFactory\02 Dep Service\01
from file system for
because the existence of the file cannot be verified; routing to failure

And from UnpackContent sometimes I get this error:

UnpackContent[id=0164106c-d3b7-1e3f-c770-6e6e07f9259d] Unable to unpack
container=default, section=904], offset=1651,
length=28417768],offset=0,name=measurement.atf.zip,size=28417768] due to
IOException thrown from
java.io.IOException: Truncated ZIP file; routing to failure:

org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: IOException thrown
from UnpackContent[id=0164106c-d3b7-1e3f-c770-6e6e07f9259d]:
java.io.IOException: Truncated ZIP file

After getting this error from UnpackContent I tried to fetch file again and
to unpack it. It went well, without any errors.
So what does this errors mean? I spoke to colleagues who are using this
files on the source side and they said files are ok, not corrupted or

Please help or give advice.

Thanks in advance.

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