I’ve seen the same issue in 1.92 as well and opened the following ticket for it:

From: Wyllys Ingersoll <wyllys.ingers...@keepertech.com>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2019 12:28 PM
To: users@nifi.apache.org
Subject: HandleHTTPRequest 503 error issue

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I believe this issue: 
  is a regression in Nifi 1.9.2, it was marked as fixed in 1.8.0, but Im seeing 
it a lot in 1.9.2

I can recreate it fairly regularly when I am hitting the endpoint pretty 
heavily and an error is encountered.  The process return 503 error (or nothing 
at all) and cannot be stopped or restarted without rebooting the entire node.

-Wyllys Ingersoll

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