I have an Elastic Search cluster that is setup with SSL. It uses a self-signed 
cert for this. I am working with Apache Nifi 1.9.2. I have a flow that has the 
PutElasticSearchHttp component. I have setup a SSLContextService for that 
component where I have specified a trust store that has the self-signed cert 
from ES. I specify an https endpoint to access Elastic Search and Im having no 
issues populating my Elastic Search instance using this flow.

I have another flow where I want to do some lookups. So I have been using the 
LookupRecord processor. That one I have associated with an 
ElasticSearchClientServiceImpl which I have setup to  point to the same 
SSLContextService as used above. I specified the same HTTPS Url (triple checked 
this). However, when I run this second Flow I am not able to verify the ES 
server's self-signed certificate.

I check the nifi-app.log and it says:
Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable 
to find valid certification path to requested target

I am a bit surprised that I am not able to verify the same server certificate 
in the two different flows.

Completely stuck on this so if anyone have any pointers please let me know.



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