Hi Team,

Our project structure we have a custom controller service
,Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice controller service  to connect AWS
with our defined 5 attributes means properties.(This is present in a

In NiFi UI this controller service is working fine .But in Unit testing I
am using bellow code to test.

    public void test Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice() {

        final TestRunner runner = TestRunners.newTestRunner(new
final Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice  serviceimpl= new
Runner.setproperty(…) //Setting my 5 properties which I have created for my
custom controller service
 // will do assert  }

Here in enabling controller service gives null pointer exception in the
custom validate method , its excepting all the default Properties also need
to be declared like Accesskey, secret key etc(which is present in the
default Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice class) in my
custom controller  Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice.

After declaring the default properties in my custom
Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice unit test is working fine.But problem
is these parameters are appearing in the NiFi UI of my custom

So I have 2 option, either after declaring of the default properties, is
there any way to stop displaying I Nifi UI.

Or As its working fine in UI flow without setting default properties in
custom Awscredentialprovidercontrolerservice.so should I set something in
Unit test case to make it passed
Thanks & Regards
Sanjeet Kumar Rath,
mob- +91 8777577470

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