Hi guys,

I'm having this situation inside my company projects. We are using NiFi as
DataFlow platform and there are multiple projects.
Every project has files on shared disk/folder from which one Nifi
instance(standalone instance) is reading data.
NiFi instance service is running under one generic user which has read
rights for every shared folder/project and that is fine.

As there will be more and more projects and only one generic user will need
to have read rights on all shared disks/folders of all projects. So which
is better solution:

   1. To have one NiFi instance running with one generic user which has
   read rights on all shared disks/folders. From security standpoint it is not
   ok. Shared folders are from various customers. Data volume and load is not
   too big for only one standalone NiFi instance.
   2. To have Multiple NiFi instances on one server each running under
   different generic user and every generic user belongs to one customer
   shared folder regarding read rights, 1:1 relationship.

In the future there will be need to scure NiFi instances with SSL, maybe to
add more nodes and to establish multi-tenancy.

Is there maybe some other third solution for this situation? How to setup
that kind of data flow where are multiple data sources and security is

Thanks in advance and best regards.


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