Well it is in review right now, and there will be changes up coming.

On April 27, 2020 at 23:12:21, Luis Carmona (lcarm...@openpartner.cl) wrote:

Hi Otto,

Compiled your version, and It DID WORK !!.

How risky is to use this "version" in a production environment ?

Thanks a lot.


On Mon, 2020-04-27 at 11:05 -0700, Otto Fowler wrote:
> No, Luis, if the PR is accepted and lands, it will be in the next
> released version of nifi after that.
> br/>> If you build nifi yourself, it will be availablle when you build
> master after it lands. br/>> br/>> On April 27, 2020 at 13:56:36, Luis
Carmona (lcarmona@@openpartner.cl)
> wrote:
> > Thank you all, br/>> > br/>> > Wesley and Etienne, is there any
documentation source aabout how to br/>> > connect a script in javascript
to nifi ressources, InputStream, br/>> > OutputStream, Erros, and so on ??
br/>> > br/>> > br/>> > Otto, sure I can give it a try, I am desperate for
thiss solution.
> > What br/>> > you mention means I have to lookk for a tutorial about
adding a
> > custom br/>> > processor right ?? br/>&> > br/>> > br/>> > Thanks
again, br/>> > br/>> > LC br/>> > br/>> > br/>> > br/>> > br/>> > On Mon,
2020-04-27 at 14:52 -0300, Wesley C. Dias de Olliveira
> > wrote: br/>> > > Owh!! br/>> >; > br/>> Great, Otto!! br/>> > > br/>>
GGood news!! br/>> > > br/>> Em seg., 27 de abr. dee 2020 às 14:50, Ottto
Fowler < br/>> > > ottobaackwa...@gmail.com> escreveu: br/>> > > > What
good timing, I just did : br/>> >
> > https:://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/4234 br/>> > > > If you can build
and try that would be sweet! or maybe a
> > review! br/>> > br/>> > On April 27, 2020 at 13:45:42, Etienne
> > Jouvin ( < br/>> > > > lapinoujouj...@gmail.com) wrote: br/>> > > > >
Hello. br/>> > > > > br/>> > > I did it with a prrocessor
EExecuteGroovyScript. br/>> > > > > br/>&ggt; > > The script body is
somethinng like : br/>> > >; > > br/>> > > import
> > org.apache.http.entiity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder
> > > > > import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType
> > > > > br/>> > > flowFFileList = session.get(100) br/>> > > > >
if(!!flowFileList.isEmpty()) { br/>> > > > > flowFFileList.each { flowFile
-> br//>> > > def multipart br/>> > &> > > String text =
> > > > > br/>> > > flowFFile.write{streamIn, streamOut-> br/>> > > > >
multipart = MultipartEntityBuilder.create() br/>> > > > > //speciffy
multipart entries here br/>> > > > > .addTextBody(""object", text, br/>> >
> > > ContentType.APPLICATTION_JSON) br/>> > > > >
.addBinaryBody(""content", new br/>> > > > >
FFile(flowFile.'document.content.path'), br/>> > > > >
ContentType.create(flowFFile.'document.mime.type'), br/>> > > > >
flowFFile.'document.name') br/>> > > > > .build() br/>> > > > >
multipart.writeTo(streamOut) br/>> > > > > }} br/>> > > > > ///set the
`documentum.action.rest.content.type` attribute to br/>&> > > > > be used
as `Content-Type` in InvokeHTTP
> > > > > flowFile.'document.content.type' =
> > > > > multipart.getContentType().getValue() bbr/>> > > > >
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS) br/>> > > > > }} br/>> > > > > }}
br/>> > > > > br/>> > > br/>> > > Attributes are : < br/>> > > > >
document.conntent.path : content path br/>> > > > > document.mime..type :
content mime type br/>> > > > > document.name : binaire content name br/>>
> > > > br/>> >; > Output update attribute < br/>> > > > >
docuument.content.type : multipart content type. br/>> > > > > br/>> > >
You need some extra librairries : br/>&gtt; > > > > httpcore-4.4.12.jar
br/>> > > > &ggt; httpmime-4.5.10.jar br/>> > > > > br/>> >; > This will
build a multipartt as the flowfile
> > content and you can br/>> > > > > usse it for the call after. br/>> > >
> > br/>> &ggt; > br/>> > > Etienne < br/>> > > > &> br/>> > > br/>> > > Le
lun. 27 avr. 2020 à 19:21, Luis
> > Carmona < br/>> > > > > lcarmona@@openpartner.cl> a écrit : br/>> > > >
> &> Hi everyone, br/>> > > > > > br/>> > > > Hoping everybody is doing ok,
wherever you are,
> > need some help br/>> > > > > > pllease. br/>> > > > > > br/>> > > >
DDoes anyone has ssent a file and parameters to
> > a REST point br/>> > > > > > usinng br/>> > > > > > Invokehhtp with
multipart/form-ddata as mime-type ? br/>> > > > > > br/>> &> > > I can't
figure ouut how to include the -F
> > <parameter>, speaking br/>> > > >; > > in terms br/>> > > > > > of curl
syntaxx. br/>> > > > > > br/>> > > > I reaally need thiis done throught
NIFIso any
> > help will be highly br/>> > > > > &ggt; apreciated. br/>> > > > > >
br/>> > &ggt; > Thanks in advancee. br/>> > > > > > br/&gtt;> > > > LC <
br/>> > > > > > br/&ggt;> br/>> br/> < br/> <

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