
Try ForkRecord [1] with "Mode" set to "Extract" and "Include Parent
Fields" set to "true", I think that does what you're looking to do.



On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:48 AM Jens M. Kofoed <> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a JSON document with an array which I would like to split and flatten.
> In my example below key4 is an array containing 2 documents. I need to split 
> the record based on each document in the key4 array, so I end up with 
> multiple records. Where each new record has a copy of all keys except key4 
> which should be flatten into each own document.
> {
> key1:value1,
> key2:value2,
> key3: {
>   key3a:value3a,
>   key3b:value3b
> }
> key4: [
>    {
>       key4a1:value4a1,
>       key4a2:value4a2
>   },
>   {
>       key4b1:value4b1,
>       key4b2:value4b2
>   }
> ]
> }
> Should be like this:
> Record 1
> {
> key1:value1,
> key2:value2,
> key3: {
>   key3a:value3a,
>   key3b:value3b
> }
> key4:{
>    key4a1:value4a1,
>    key4a2:value4a2
>   }
> }
> Record 2
> {
> key1:value1,
> key2:value2,
> key3: {
>   key3a:value3a,
>   key3b:value3b
> }
> key4:{
>    key4b1:value4b1,
>    key4b2:value4b2
>   }
> }
> Kind regards
> Jens M. Kofoed

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