

We're running into a problem with NiFi 1.11.4.


Our HBASE/HDFS/Parquet processors are all configured with a master
KeytabCredentialsService that is pointing to a Kerberos principal and keytab


The environment's /etc/krb5.conf file has the line renew_lifetime = 7d
commented out due to an issue with Java-OpenJDK (that is apparently fixed
but still shows up) causing "MESSAGE STREAM MODIFIED (41)" errors to appear
whenever we have it uncommented.


When NiFi starts, it is able to kinit with the Kerberos KDC and is issued a
24 hour ticket. Everything works fine right up until that ticket expires.
Once the ticket expires, all of our HDFS/HBASE/Parquet processors start


I haven't been able to find anything in our logs around the timeframe, but I
can't turn on debug logging for this because the logs are tremendously large
when we do that (approximately 100-200 MB per minute and the problem only
occurs at the 24 hour mark). 


How would we go about troubleshooting this issue?



Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9

Apache NiFi 1.11.4






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